Our client is a leading insurance provider, intends to renovate their office space, with a portion of the renovated area designated for leasing to other tenants. As part of this renovation, it is necessary to relocate the existing server room to a new area. However, due to the unavailability of the new server room during the demolition of the old server room, the client requires a temporary server room to ensure uninterrupted operation of their servers throughout the renovation process.
To address this requirement, the client opted for iDCmini Edge-26 all-in-one datacenter solution allowing the migration of critical server equipment to iDCmini Edge-26, offering a seamless continuation of office operations while simultaneously setting up the new server room.
Once the new server room is completed, the server equipment can be moved from the iDCmini Edge-26 back to its designated location within the new server room. This ensures the smooth transition of the server infrastructure and facilitates the successful completion of the office renovation project.