iDCmini Case Highlight –Branch office set up
Our client is a leading manufacturer of containers, operator of container depots and provider of logistics services. Due to business expansion, our client intended to open a new branch office…
iDCmini Case Highlight – Fully resilience turnkey
Our client is a well-known corporation offering heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions in the region. To cope with business expansion, the client has decided to revamp its existing aging server room…
iDCmini Case Highlight – Facing expensive and limited space issue
ur client is a well-known local department store offering different types of goods and services including food market. Since the client has to manage different sections within the department store…
iDCmini Case Highlight – Setting up branch office
Our client is a multi-national enterprise engaging in a wide variety of businesses including both life and non-life insurance, financial and other general businesses in over 40 countries globally…
iDCmini Edge, the world’s greenest all-in-one datacenter!
Save up to 75% electricity by having the World’s Greenest All-in-one micro datacenter! Many organizations are starting to align business models with ESG (environmental, social and governance). On- premises datacenter/server room is in the spotlight […]
Substantial Chiller Costs & Potential Water Risk
Substantial Chiller Costs & Potential Water Risk Customer Background The client is a local financial services group, provides a wide range of financial services including advisory, investment, research and securities financing as well. When setting […]
Save up to HK$2 million by using iDCmini
Save up to HK$2 million by using iDCmini The current economic climate along with high rental fees have prompted many organizations to relocate their offices and server rooms frequently, creating a huge burden on human […]
Workshop Invitation: The Next Generation Datacenter Management and Protection
Invitation to Workshop: The Next Generation Datacenter Management and Protection Welcome to The Next Generation Datacenter Management and Protection ● An affordable yet practicable DCIM solution for any scale, requirement and environment ● A comprehensive approach to […]
iDCmini 獨家研發「Tidy Patch System」 高密度配線 騰空珍貴機櫃資源
數據中心相闋的科技發展一日千里,受惠於目前運算需求不斷改變, 再加上香港辦公室與營運地點空間有限,企業必須盡用每一寸機櫃空間。採用由iDCmini 提供的「Tidy Patch System」,自然更有效地管理機房的網絡,以及相關佈線 (cabling) 設備…
iDCmini Family 一體化數據中心 高效表現 節省75%電量
雲端運算平台越來越流行,但考慮到部分企業不論規模大與小,都有需要自建伺服器與建立混合雲(Hybrid Cloud) 架構,以保障數據私隱或滿足特別營運需求。在香港寸金尺土的辦公室內,一般難以建立標準數據中心規格的機櫃, iDCmini 就成為其中一個技術出路…